What is the difference between return NULL and pthread_exit(NULL) while terminating the detached thread?
Image by Yindi - hkhazo.biz.id

What is the difference between return NULL and pthread_exit(NULL) while terminating the detached thread?

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If you’re a developer working with multi-threaded programs, you’ve probably come across the terms “return NULL” and “pthread_exit(NULL)” while terminating a detached thread. But what’s the difference between these two? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of thread management and explore the distinctions between these two concepts.

The Basics of Thread Management

Before we dive into the differences between return NULL and pthread_exit(NULL), let’s quickly review the basics of thread management. In a multi-threaded program, each thread has its own execution path, and each thread can be in one of several states: running, sleeping, waiting, or terminated.

When a thread is created, it starts executing its code and can be in a running state. However, when a thread completes its execution or encounters an error, it needs to be terminated. This is where the concepts of return NULL and pthread_exit(NULL) come into play.

The return NULL statement is used to terminate a thread and return a NULL value to the caller. When a thread encounters a return NULL statement, it stops executing and exits. The thread’s resources are released, and the thread is terminated.

void* thread_func(void* arg) {
    // thread code here
    return NULL;

The return NULL statement is simple and easy to use, but it has its limitations. When a thread terminates with return NULL, it doesn’t release any resources that were allocated using pthread APIs. This means that if your thread has allocated memory or locked mutexes, those resources will not be released.

pthread_exit(NULL): The Proper Way to Terminate a Thread

The pthread_exit(NULL) function is used to terminate a thread and release all resources allocated by the thread. When a thread calls pthread_exit(NULL), it stops executing and exits, releasing all resources allocated by the thread, including memory, mutexes, and condition variables.

void* thread_func(void* arg) {
    // thread code here

The pthread_exit(NULL) function is a more proper way to terminate a thread because it ensures that all resources allocated by the thread are released. This is especially important when working with detached threads, as we’ll see later.

Detached Threads: The Importance of pthread_exit(NULL)

A detached thread is a thread that is not joinable, meaning that it cannot be waited on using the pthread_join() function. When a detached thread terminates, its resources are not released automatically. This is where pthread_exit(NULL) comes into play.

When a detached thread calls pthread_exit(NULL), it releases all resources allocated by the thread, including memory, mutexes, and condition variables. This is important because if a detached thread terminates with return NULL, its resources will not be released, leading to resource leaks and potential crashes.

Comparison: return NULL vs pthread_exit(NULL)

So, what’s the difference between return NULL and pthread_exit(NULL)? Here’s a summary:

Feature return NULL pthread_exit(NULL)
Terminates Thread Yes Yes
Releases Resources No Yes
Appropriate for Detached Threads No Yes

As you can see, pthread_exit(NULL) is the more proper way to terminate a thread, especially when working with detached threads.

Best Practices: When to Use Each

So, when should you use return NULL and when should you use pthread_exit(NULL)? Here are some best practices:

  1. Use return NULL for simple threads that don’t allocate resources.
  2. Use pthread_exit(NULL) for threads that allocate resources, such as memory, mutexes, or condition variables.
  3. Use pthread_exit(NULL) for detached threads to ensure that resources are released.


In conclusion, while both return NULL and pthread_exit(NULL) can be used to terminate a thread, pthread_exit(NULL) is the more proper way to do so, especially when working with detached threads. By using pthread_exit(NULL), you can ensure that all resources allocated by the thread are released, preventing resource leaks and potential crashes. Remember to use pthread_exit(NULL) for threads that allocate resources and for detached threads, and use return NULL for simple threads that don’t allocate resources.

By following these best practices, you can write more efficient, reliable, and scalable multi-threaded programs.

I hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery surrounding the termination of detached threads!

What happens when I use return NULL to terminate a detached thread?

When you use return NULL to terminate a detached thread, the thread will simply exit, and the memory allocated to the thread will be released automatically. However, the resources allocated by the thread, such as locks and file descriptors, might not be properly released. This can lead to unexpected behavior and memory leaks.

What about pthread_exit(NULL)? How does it differ from return NULL?

pthread_exit(NULL) is a more proper way to terminate a detached thread. Unlike return NULL, pthread_exit(NULL) ensures that the thread releases all its resources, including locks, file descriptors, and other system resources, before exiting. This method is more reliable and safe, as it prevents potential memory leaks and unexpected behavior.

Can I use return NULL for non-detached threads?

Yes, you can use return NULL for non-detached threads. In fact, it’s the recommended way to terminate a non-detached thread. The parent thread will automatically join the child thread and clean up its resources. However, for detached threads, pthread_exit(NULL) is the safer and more reliable choice.

What are the consequences of not using pthread_exit(NULL) for detached threads?

Failing to use pthread_exit(NULL) for detached threads can lead to resource leaks, memory corruption, and even crashes. This is because the thread’s resources are not properly released, causing other threads or processes to malfunction. In extreme cases, it can even lead to system crashes or instability.

When should I use pthread_exit(NULL) instead of return NULL?

Use pthread_exit(NULL) when you’re dealing with detached threads, especially when you’re working with system resources like locks, file descriptors, or sockets. This ensures that the thread releases all its resources before exiting. However, for non-detached threads, return NULL is sufficient. Remember, safety first, and pthread_exit(NULL) is the safer choice for detached threads!

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