Finalizing GA4 Migration – Are Universal Tags Going to Become Inactive?
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Finalizing GA4 Migration – Are Universal Tags Going to Become Inactive?

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Are you in the midst of migrating to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and wondering what’s going to happen to your trusty Universal Tags? You’re not alone! As the sun sets on Universal Analytics, it’s essential to understand how this migration will impact your tags and whether they’ll still be active. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of GA4 and explore what you need to do to ensure a seamless transition.

The Rise of GA4 and the Demise of Universal Analytics

Google announced the deprecation of Universal Analytics in 2020, paving the way for the next generation of analytics – Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This new platform promises enhanced features, better performance, and a more integrated approach to data analysis. But what does this mean for your Universal Tags?

What are Universal Tags?

Universal Tags, also known as Google Tag Manager (GTM) tags, are snippets of code used to track website interactions, events, and conversions. They’re an essential part of the Universal Analytics ecosystem, allowing you to collect data and send it to your analytics account. But with the introduction of GA4, it’s natural to wonder if these tags will become obsolete.

What Happens to Universal Tags During GA4 Migration?

The good news is that Universal Tags won’t immediately become inactive. However, it’s crucial to understand how they’ll be affected during the migration process:

  • Existing Universal Tags will continue to work: Your current Universal Tags will still collect data and send it to your Universal Analytics account. However, keep in mind that this is only temporary, as Universal Analytics will eventually be phased out.
  • New GA4 tags will be required: To take advantage of GA4’s features, you’ll need to create new GA4-specific tags in Google Tag Manager (GTM). These tags will collect data and send it to your GA4 account.
  • GA4 tags will coexist with Universal Tags (for a while): During the migration process, you can have both Universal Tags and GA4 tags on your website. This will allow you to collect data in both Universal Analytics and GA4 simultaneously.

Creating GA4 Tags in Google Tag Manager (GTM)

To create GA4 tags in GTM, follow these steps:

  1. In your GTM account, navigate to the Tags section and click New.
  2. Select Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration as the tag type.
  3. Enter your GA4 measurement ID and configuration settings.
  4. Save and deploy the new tag to your website.
// GA4 tag example in GTM
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'G-XXXXXXXXXX', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

Best Practices for GA4 Migration

To ensure a successful migration to GA4, follow these best practices:

  • Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to start your migration. Give yourself plenty of time to learn GA4 and implement the necessary changes.
  • Start with a new GA4 property: Create a new GA4 property and configure it correctly to avoid any data overlap or confusion.
  • Use Google Tag Manager (GTM): GTM makes it easy to manage your tags and track data in both Universal Analytics and GA4.
  • Test and verify your setup: Double-check your GA4 tags and configuration to ensure accurate data collection.
GA4 Migration Checklist
Create a new GA4 property
Set up GA4 tags in GTM
Configure GA4 data streams
Implement GA4 tracking codes on your website
Test and verify your GA4 setup

Troubleshooting Common GA4 Migration Issues

If you encounter any issues during the migration process, here are some common solutions:

  • Data not appearing in GA4: Check your GA4 tags and configuration to ensure accurate data collection. Verify that your tags are firing correctly and data is being sent to your GA4 account.
  • Inconsistent data between Universal Analytics and GA4: This is a common issue during the migration process. Ensure that your Universal Tags and GA4 tags are collecting data correctly, and that you’re using the correct measurement IDs and configuration settings.
  • GTM container setup issues: Double-check your GTM container settings, including the publication status and tag triggers. Ensure that your GA4 tags are connected to the correct data streams and configuration settings.


Finalizing your GA4 migration requires careful planning and attention to detail. While Universal Tags won’t become inactive immediately, it’s essential to create new GA4 tags and configuration settings to take advantage of the latest analytics features. By following the best practices and troubleshooting common issues outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to a successful GA4 migration.

Remember, the clock is ticking on Universal Analytics. Don’t wait until it’s too late to start your GA4 migration. Take the first step today and ensure a seamless transition to the future of analytics!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Finalizing GA4 migration – are Universal Tags going to become inactive?” in a creative tone and voice, using HTML:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to bid adieu to Universal Tags and hello to a seamless migration to GA4!

Will Universal Tags stop working once I migrate to GA4?

Yes, Universal Tags will eventually become inactive once you complete your GA4 migration. It’s essential to prioritize the migration process to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any data discrepancies.

How long will I have to wait before Universal Tags become inactive after GA4 migration?

The exact timeline may vary, but you can expect Universal Tags to become inactive within a few weeks after the GA4 migration is complete. It’s crucial to monitor your tags and data to ensure a seamless transition.

Will I lose any historical data when Universal Tags become inactive?

No, your historical data will be preserved! GA4 migration ensures that all your data is transferred, and you’ll be able to access it even after Universal Tags become inactive.

Are there any specific steps I need to take to ensure a smooth transition from Universal Tags to GA4?

Yes, make sure to follow the official migration guide, test your GA4 setup, and verify your data to ensure a seamless transition. Additionally, consider consulting with a qualified developer or analytics expert for assistance.

What are the benefits of migrating from Universal Tags to GA4?

GA4 offers enhanced features, such as improved data accuracy, better user tracking, and more comprehensive reporting. You’ll also benefit from easier integration with other Google tools and a more streamlined analytics experience.

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